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Who Flung Dung
  • Availability: Out of stock

Who Flung Dung


Whoflungdung is a biologically activated, nutrient rich, weed free, absorbent, super mulch!
It has been composted, inoculated with eNcase and filled with nutrients, so that when added to soil it introduces a wide diversity of beneficial bacteria. These beneficial bacteria readily proliferate through the soil, acting as a barrier/deterrent to pathogenic bacteria, providing a safe environment for healthy plant growth. Whoflungdung aids in restricting and reducing the growth of weeds. 

Whoflungdung is absorbent, as it helps retain moisture and warmth in the garden, which improves nutrient uptake. It adds nutrients to the soil for both the beneficial bacteria and plants to feed on – significantly reducing, if not eliminating, the nitrogen draw-down issues that are associated with most other mulches.

Additional Information

Coverage: 3-6 square metres

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