Duck & Turkey with Vegetables & Coconut oilGrain free, hypoallergenic, holistic formula and a staple choice. With no artificial preservatives or colours, it contains only natural ingredients. We use only...
Chicken with Vegetables & Coconut oil Grain & Gluten FreeSINGLE MEAT PROTEINWhite meat is lower in kilojoules and has less fat than dark meat. Chicken meat is low-GI and can...
Turkey & Chicken with Vegetables & Coconut oilLarger size kibbleAn excellent choice for growing puppies, boasting high protein and low-fat properties. Natural ingredients boost immunity and act as antioxidants.TURKEYAn alternative...
SALMON & SARDINE with Vegetables & Coconut Oil Large KibbleOur Salmon & Sardine holistic formula is the perfect option for improving your pet’s overall well-being. High in omega-3 fatty acids...
MFM DOG HI PERF TURKEY GF GLF 20KG is a high-performance dog food made with turkey as the main protein source. It is both grain-free and gluten-free, making it suitable...
MFM Dog Lite Turkey Lamb GLF 20kg Yellow is a high-quality dry dog food specifically formulated for dogs who need to manage their weight. It features a blend of lean...
Cobber Senior Dog is nutritionally complete with quality protein and fat sources to support your Puppy's growth. We all want to give them the best start in life, whether they’re...
Cobber Active Dog is nutritionally complete with quality protein and fat sources to enhance the performance of your working dog. Nothing feels more satisfying than putting in a hard day’s...
Cobber Senior Dog is nutritionally complete with quality protein and fat sources for your senior dog 7+ years or dogs that require a low energy diet. No one likes admitting...