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Laying Hens and Pets for Sale

We sell a variety of laying hens, guinea pigs and birds in store.

Laying Hens

Backyard laying hens are available most of the year. While the brown hens are always the most popular we often have white or black laying hens as well.

Hens are very easy to keep and reward you with delicious home laid eggs.

To keep hens you will need a secure hen house with a perch and nesting boxes. You can have either an enclosed run adjoining the hen house or allow the hens to free range in the backyard. Hens require fresh water and free access to a quality layer feed. They will also enjoy your kitchen scraps and tasty treats like mealworms.

Day Old Chicks

Raising baby chickens can be fun and rewarding for the whole family.

We sell backyard laying breeds as day old chicks and a variety of bantams and heritage breeds depending on availability.

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are great pets for everyone and are even suited to smaller homes and units.

They are friendly pets who thrive on interaction with your family.

Remember Guinea Pigs are social animals that require at least one companion. In nature they live in large herds.


Jap Quails are a large quail whose females lay a prolific number of mottled coloured eggs. The eggs are great either hard boiled or fried sunny side up for a delicious eye catching addition to salads or enjoyed by themselves. Jap quails require an aviary or small hen style house.

King Quails are smaller quails who live happily on the floor of bird aviaries.

Small birds and parrots

In store we have a variety of birds for sale such as Finches, Budgies, Lovebirds, Cockatiels, and other parrots.

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