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CoolStance Copra
  • Availability: Out of stock

CoolStance Copra

  • For Horses For Horses
CoolStance is a premium quality copra meal, made from the white part of the coconut, which is dried, baked and ground. It is a totally natural product and is chemical and GMO free. It is produced by just one copra mill in Papua New Guinea and is of assured quality and routinely tested for Aflatoxins.
The oil in CoolStance (coconut oil) is highly saturated and rich in medium Chain Fatty
Acids. This means it is highly stable (not prone to rancidity) and can provide your horse with ready energy.
Horses love the taste of CoolStance. It is rich in quality protein, and high in oil which means
that it can help with coat condition. Best of all, CoolStance contains virtually no starch, so will not cause starch-related disorders such as tying up, laminitis or excitable behaviour.
Additional Information

100% dried, cooked and ground coconut.

Introduce gradually over 14 days. May be fed wet
or dry. To be fed with additional roughage such as
hay or pasture to ensure diet of sufficient long fibre.

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